The Joint PhD Programme in Diversity Management and Governance aims at offering interdisciplinary and comparative academic training in the study of various forms of diversity, be it ethnic, cultural, linguistic, regional, religious or social, and its management. Conflict prevention and management theories, reconstruction and reconciliation of divided societies after violent conflicts and political tensions, integration policies and the establishment of good governance throughout Europe are in focus in this Joint PhD Programme. In the course of their studies, students will not only deepen their knowledge about theories and abstract concepts but will also be trained in the development and management of projects and will be prepared – by developing their independent, critical and reflexive thinking – to formulate recommendations for improving public policies which might contribute to integration and a successful management of diversity. The theoretical knowledge, the practical skills and the intercultural experience that students collect in the course of their studies increase the international employability of graduates. Their competencies can be applied not only in academic research but also in practice oriented professions, such as the consultation of public and private actors. Graduates of this Joint PhD Programme may therefore seek employment in a variety of professional fields, including civil service of a national, regional or local administrations, foreign service, international organisations and NGOs as well as research institutions.