Hochschulstudien Philosophy, Politics and Economics


Bachelorstudium Der Abschluss einer derartigen Ausbildung entspricht dem NQR-Level VI. Dazu zählen u. a. Bachelor-Abschlüsse und Meisterprüfungen.


CEU PU - Central European University Private University


In the Philosophy, Politics and Economics bachelor’s degree program, you’ll explore how society works from the viewpoint of ancient and modern philosophy, political theory and structures, and economic principles and functioning. As you learn to analyze an issue or an event from all these angles, you’ll also learn to communicate your newfound knowledge effectively and have the opportunity to expand and use your knowledge outside the classroom.

Akademischer Grad

Bachelor, BA


6 Semester / 180 ECTS oder 8 Semester / 120 U.S. credits

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