Hochschulstudien International Management (E)


Bachelorstudium Der Abschluss einer derartigen Ausbildung entspricht dem NQR-Level VI. Dazu zählen u. a. Bachelor-Abschlüsse und Meisterprüfungen.


MODUL University Vienna


The Bachelor of Science in International Management is designed to develop students' academic, professional, and personal skills and to prepare them for leadership positions. The program is set up to give students an excellent academic and practical education in international business that endows them with the skills to meet the needs of global business and managerial decision-making in the context of different cultural requirements. The broad and general approach to management qualifies graduates for a variety of positions in the areas of: Consulting, Marketing, Financial Management and HRM.

Akademischer Grad

Bachelor of Science, BSc


6 Semester / 180 ECTS

Ця сторінка була оновлена: (Diese Seite wurde aktualisiert am:) 07. November 2024 V2.7.0.0