Hochschulstudien Interactive Marketing (E)


Bachelorstudium Der Abschluss einer derartigen Ausbildung entspricht dem NQR-Level VI. Dazu zählen u. a. Bachelor-Abschlüsse und Meisterprüfungen.


MODUL University Vienna


The focus of the specialization in Interactive Marketing* prepares students for the future world of online marketing and advertising, which today already proves to be much broader than just traditional marketing activities being transferred online. The future business leader will need to know what online channels are available, in which channels their customers and their audience can be found, as well as what data and tools are at their disposal to both reach a specific target group (content creation, distribution, engagement) as well as evaluate the impact of marketing efforts across channels (monitoring, analytics, information visualization).

Akademischer Grad

Bachelor of Science, BSc


6 Semester / 180 ECTS

Ця сторінка була оновлена: (Diese Seite wurde aktualisiert am:) 07. November 2024 V2.7.0.0