Hochschulstudien Business and Economics (E)


Bachelorstudium Der Abschluss einer derartigen Ausbildung entspricht dem NQR-Level VI. Dazu zählen u. a. Bachelor-Abschlüsse und Meisterprüfungen.


Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien


The introductory phase deals with current topics in global business and economics and gives you an overview of economic concepts used for assessing and solving contemporary economic, social, and environmental problems.
Later on in the program, the foundation courses deepen your expertise in the field, help you develop important interdisciplinary skills such as data analysis, analytical thinking, and academic writing skills. Enhancing your communication and team working skills as well as other interpersonal skills are also an essential part of the program.
The second part of the program offers more flexibility, allowing you to emphasize the fields you would like to specialize in and know more about. The diversity of fields and disciplines at WU allows you to choose from a vast array of specializations and free electives.

Akademischer Grad

Bachelor of Science, BSc


6 Semester / 180 ECTS

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